September 2019

Celebrating the role of Carers across the Capital

Community events
Bromley by Bow Centre, Saint Leonard's Street, London, E3 3BT
Saturday 21st September, 2019 - 12:00 to 20:00

About this event

LondonADASS (Assistant Directors Adult Social Services) would like to invite you to the inaugural annual Carer festival scheduled for the 21st September 2019 from 12:00 - 20:00 at the Bromley by Bow Centre. 

The festival concept was proposed following consultation with carer representatives across London. The group requested that the festival should celebrate and showcase the carer role. A range of music, crafts and activities will be taking place over the course of the festival with a number of carers being involved in their delivery. The programme for the festival is currently being finalised and will be shared in due course. Street food will be served throughout the day. 

Contact details

Find out more about the Carer festival on LondonADASS' website. 

If you're interested in attending, please sign up on Eventbrite. 

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