1. Health and care news -

    Junior doctors - hospital doctors who are not consultants - are on strike this week until 7am on Saturday. Local NHS leaders have shared advice about what you should do if you need hospital care.
  2. Healthwatch Sutton news -

    Recent media reports have highlighted serious problems with the ageing buildings at St Helier Hospital. We've raised our concerns with hospital management and will be taking further action.
  3. Healthwatch Sutton news -

    After recent media coverage we wrote to James Blythe, Managing Director at St Helier Hospital. He told us that patients deserve a better hospital environment, and that while they do everything they can to ensure patients get safe and effective care, this relies on workarounds which aren't sustainable.
  4. Health and care news -

    A recent report from the National Audit Office highlights various potential problems with the planned work to refurbish St Helier and build a new emergency hospital in Sutton.
  5. Health and care news -

    NHS England is promoting a public consultation about changes to the treatment centre for children with cancer that serves South West London. They want the service to move from its current location at the Royal Marsden Hospital, citing safety concerns. Some patients of current service users disagree with this decision and say that the service should remain where it is.